

:2025-01-14 22:15:01:

本文摘要:这些中医药方剂化疗新冠肺炎有效地,“三药三方”书写中药抗疫方案中医药(Traditional Chinese medicines)在这次掌控和化疗新冠肺炎疫情中充分发挥了很好的起到。

这些中医药方剂化疗新冠肺炎有效地,“三药三方”书写中药抗疫方案中医药(Traditional Chinese medicines)在这次掌控和化疗新冠肺炎疫情中充分发挥了很好的起到。经过检验研究,金花清感颗粒、莲花明瘟胶囊/颗粒、血必净注射液、清肺摄入汤、化湿败毒方、宣肺败毒方,这“三药三方”证实有效地。图源:新华社这些方剂明确有什么功效?合适什么人群?下面我们来为大家一一讲解一下。

金花清感颗粒Jinhua Qinggan Granule金花清感颗粒,是2009年甲型H1N1流感大风行期间研发的一个中成药,由金银花、薄荷、甘草等12味药构成,主要功效是疏风宣肺、清热解毒,在化疗轻症、普通型患者中具备清楚疗效,可延长退热时间,淋巴细胞、白细胞复常亲率提升,并转重症亲率显著上升。Jinhua Qinggan Granule was developed during the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic. It consists of 12 herbal components including honeysuckle, mint and licorice and can clear heat and detoxify lungs。It has a curative effect in treating mild and moderate patientsand can also improve the recovery rate of lymphocyte and white blood cells as well as reduce the rate of patients turning more severe。

武汉市第六医院中医部 中国日报记者王敬 摄中央指导组专家组成员、中国工程院院士、天津中医药大学校长张伯礼讲解,早已积极开展的两项目研究皆找到金花清感效果不俗。二月初,经过对武汉102事例轻型和普通型新冠肺炎患者的化疗找到,病人的转重亲率显著上升,仅有为11.8%。病人的退热时间仅有为1.5天。In early February, 102 mild patients in Wuhan took Jinhua Qinggan Granule in their treatment. Only 11.8 percent worsened and it took only one and a half days for patients to reduce fever。

解放军总医院第四医学中心李学秀教授在北京佑安医院积极开展的一项80事例对照研究也找到,给与金花清感的患者,核酸转阴的时间较对照组提早了两天半,同时肺部炎症恶化的时间平均值为8天,而对照组是10.3天。A comparative experiment showed that patients who took Jinhua Qinggan Granule tested negative for coronavirus two and a half days earlier than a group that did not take the granule. The group treated with the granule also took eight days to show improvement, while the other group took 10.3 days。

莲花明瘟胶囊/颗粒Lianhua Qingwen Capsule/Granule连花清瘟胶囊/颗粒由13味药物构成,是化疗发烧、流感的常用中成药,主要功效是明瘟止痛、宣肺泄热,化疗轻型、普通型患者表明有疗效,特别是在是痉挛、腹痛、力弱消失时间慢,需要增加轻型、普通型并转重症的再次发生,增进核酸转阴。Lianhua Qingwen medicine is a very common traditional Chinese medicine used for the treatment of cold and flu. Composed of 13 herbal components, it has shown curative effects on mild and common patients, especially in relieving fever, cough and fatigue. It can reduce the occurrence of deterioration and help patients test negative。血必净注射液Xuebijing Injection血必净注射液,是2003年非典期间研发上市的中成药,由5味中药提取物构成,主要功效是化瘀止痛,用作化疗脓毒症。

This injection was developed and marketed during the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) epidemic in 2003. It consists of five herbal extracts and its main function is to detoxify and remove blood stasis. It is usually used to treat sepsis。在化疗重型、危重型患者中,限于于因病毒感染所致的全身炎症反应综合征,也可因应化疗多器官,脏器功能损毁。临床研究可行性表明,与西医药牵头用于可提升医治出院亲率,增加重症并转危重症。

基础研究可行性找到,具备一定的体外抗病毒起到,并能明显诱导新型冠状病毒病毒感染诱导的炎症因子。It is effective in suppressing systemic inflammatory response syndrome induced by infection in the treatment of severe and critically ill patients as well as repairing impaired organ function。

Initial clinical studies have shown that the injection, combined with Western medicine, can increase the rate of hospital discharge and reduce the rate of deterioration. Basic research has also found that it has a certain antiviral effect in vitro that can significantly inhibit inflammatory factors induced by novel coronavirus infection。



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